How to Mimic Flask’s Error Handling When Using AWS Lambda

Iris Altman
3 min readFeb 6, 2021


Faux Leather Flask- SkunkWerkz

In this basic Flask app, we get the county name and return the corresponding “Hello from” greeting message:

One of the errors we need to handle in this example is when the request is missing one of its required arguments, the country_name argument.
For this kind of error, we would like to return the 400 status code (Bad Request) as the error code, and a custom response message. The response message should indicate that the country_name argument is missing.

When using Flask, we:

  • Create a function to handle each type of error.
    We create the handle_key_error function that receives the error, extract the missing argument name and error code, and builds and returns the corresponding response.
  • Decorate the function with Flask’s errorhandler decorator.
    Flask’s errorhandler decorator is responsible to catch all the exceptions that are raised in a specific code or exception class. The exception class or code is passed to the decorator as its argument.
    In our case, Flask will raise BadRequestKeyError when a key error is missing in the request, so we create the decorator with BadRequestKeyError.

We can add as many error handling functions as needed, and wrap each with its matching error handling decorators, one for each exception classes or codes. Each function is responsible to handle the error and can log or inform any relevant external system, etc.

To make sure we don’t leave any exception uncaught, it is recommended to always add a function to catch all the unexpected exceptions, using the Exception parent exception class as the errorhandler decorator argument.

When using Flask’s error handling we are keeping our code clean, having one place with the “core” code and another, separated, who is responsible for all the error handling.

When using AWS Lambda we need to create an entrypoint function with the def handler(event, context) signature. This function will be called in each invocation of the Lambda, and will contain the request in the event argument.

In this case, as we don’t have any error handeling statments to catch our errors, so every exception will cause our code to exit and our Lambda to crash.

To catch those exceptions, we will create a handle_errors function.
Inside this function, we will create another function, safe_execute_func that will be responsible to safely execute the original call function func (which in our case is the handle) and catch and handle any exception raised from it.
The safe_execute_funcdecorator gets the general arguments, *args and **kwargs and contains a try and except block. In the try block, it will call the wraped function func. In the except block, it will catch the exceptions and create the custom response for each type of exception caught.
will use the functools.wraps decorator to make sure that the wrapped function has the same function name, docstring, arguments list, etc.

We will wrap the handler function with our new decorator, the handle_errors. Now, each run of thehandler, safe_excute_func will be executed instead and will handle all the errors internally.

The way Flask hides and isolates all the error handling using the errorhandler decorator is elegant and neat. I tried to mimic this behavior when I started using AWS Lambda AWS Lamda and was forced to use the predefined handlerfunction.
Here I presented a decorator that handles the error handling for the Lambda function in one place, and thus helps keeping the “core” code clean and untouched.



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